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In this blog I will express my personal opinions, ideas and thoughts on topics related to Earth observation, remote sensing and space science in general. I will talk about current news and developments, and there may be more that is not yet known, even to me.

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SNAP 11 - What's new?

Writer's picture: Marco PetersMarco Peters

SNAP 11 has been released. Let's check what has changed and which new features are provided.

This is only a small update, and it does not have so many changes. But those which are implemented are very useful.

The official announcements can be found here and the changelog is provided here.

The download is available from this page.


Band Groups

There is now a new support for user defined band groups [SNAP-3709], [SNAP-3702].

These user defined groups can be used to select groups in the subset dialog or to filter the displayed spectra in the Spectrum View.

When using this when defining a band subset, there is still a little issue. I've reported this as an issue already.

Land Cover Models

The ESA WorldCover 10m dataset is now also available as one of the Land-Cover models.

Along with this "AAFC Canada Prairies Crop" models have been added for numerous years.

STAC+COG Products

Support for STAC+COG formatted products has been added. But it is not yet clear how it can be used. There is no help for it and no item in the import menu. How must the files be formatted to be read?

Regional subset supported by GPF

If only a subset region of a product shall be processed this can now be specified on the command line. The parameters pixelRegion and geometryRegion can by used with gpt.

Because the documentation has not been updated, some confusion exists.

For more details, see my post in the forum.

Missing Snappy installation

The SNAP-Python-Bridge esa-snappy can not be configured anymore while installing SNAP.

And the snappy-conf script which is located in the bin directory, fails with an error message 'Unrecognized option --snappy'.

You now have to install the esa-snappy plugin via the plugin manager first. Afterwards the configuration script works again.

Optical Toolbox


Now OCI Level-1B [SNAP-3683] and Level-1C [SNAP-3684] data of the NASA's PACE mission are supported too and issues with Level-2 have been fixed. Like the problem that the data has been shown in a flipped view.


The hyperspectral data from the PRISMA satellite, operated by the Italian space agency ASI, is now supported too [SNAP-3445].


  • S2 Resampling

    It is now possible to select the bands to be resampled with the S2 Resampling operator. [SNAP-3685]

  • Biophysical Processor

    If needed, the Biophysical Processor applies S2 resampling on the required bands. [SNAP-3685]

  • The Bandwidths were are too wide for Sentinel-2. They have been adapted [SNAP-2072]


Sentinel-3 data must not be unzipped anymore before using it in SNAP. The zip archive files can directly be used directly [SNAP-3666].

For Linux errors with OLCI L2 LRR/LFR have been fixed [SNAP-3755] and Sentinel-3 FRP data can now be opened [SNAP-3658] and is now well displayed [SNAP-1691].

S3 Synergy VGP/AOD support has been updated according to format changes [SNAP-3544] [SNAP-3543].


The data products can directly be opened as zip files. [SNAP-3666]


Support for ECOSTRESS data products has been added [SNAP-3646]. Also for the map projected ones. ECOSTRESS (Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station) is a radiometer mounted on the International Space Station (ISS) measuring the temperature of plants.


The EnMAP reader has been updated to allow reading from the distribution tar archive file [SNAP-3627].

Microwave Toolbox

For the Microwave Toolbox the following enhancements have been implemented:

The planned ETAD improvements didn't made it into the release. But you can expect module updates soon which will deliver:

  • S-1 ETAD Corrected SLC [SNAP-3815]

  • S-1 ETAD Improved coregistration

  • S-1 ETAD Phase Screens

  • S-1 ETAD Improved Interferograms

  • S-1 ETAD improved InSAR image selection tool

  • S-1 ETAD auto download


If you use the API of SNAP, the following changes might be important to you.

  • The GeoCodingFactory has been reworked and moved from the old org.esa.snap.core.datamodel package to the one org.esa.snap.core.dataio.geocoding [SNAP-1585] 

  • The Product class now implements Closeable [SNAP-1157] This allows the use of try-with-resources statements.

  • The class org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product.AutoGrouping has been replaced by See Band Groups in the SNAP section above.

  • The SNAP API now provides a PySTAC like STAC client. It is contained in the module snap-stac in the package org.esa.snap.stac. [SNAP-PR#430]

Tschüss and Goodbye




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