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In this blog I will express my personal opinions, ideas and thoughts on topics related to Earth observation, remote sensing and space science in general. I will talk about current news and developments, and there may be more that is not yet known, even to me.

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DAVALIEN v1.0 released - An Introduction

Writer's picture: Marco PetersMarco Peters

Hello EO-Masters!

I want to give you a brief introduction to the first version of DAVALIEN – the Data Validation Environment.

Because DAVALIEN shall help you to ensure good data and software quality, I would like to hear your ideas and thoughts how the DAVALIEN could be further improved. Write it in the comments and I would be happy if you hit the like button.

DAVALIEN - the DAta VALIdation ENvironment project provides an environment for validating EO data. It is intended for quality assurance of EO data and data processing software. It is based on SNAP software and uses the Graph Processing Framework.

You can define tests by specifying the SNAP GPT command line call and the expected product content. The test environment will then execute the command and compare the result with the result that was expected. In the end you will get two report files, one JSON and one HTML file.

The environment can be executed from your IDE where you develop your GPF operator or from an installed SNAP. Even the processing results of 3d party software can be tested, and it can be ensured that the result does not change accidentally while improving the processor. Only requirement is that SNAP can read the data.

If you are interested, you can further read the Getting Started Guide. It tells you how you can setup and execute your own environment. There is even an example environment which tests some functions of SNAP which you can use as starting point.

I hope you like it.

You can expect more in the future. To help me to make it more useful for you let me know in the comments how I can improve it for you.

Tschüss and Goodbye




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